Made it back home! Got into the house around 1 am after flying most of the day and layover in Dallas-Fortworth. Man thats a long flight! Just read through the posts and really am enjoying the pictures. Keep'em comming guys!

Writing this from my smell goods shop and hoping a customer will walk in the door. Very quiet today!

I've been showing the pictures to the family and friends here and they are impressed by all of them. Made a bunch of great friends and had a lot of fun while I was there. Sorry I was such a hermit and zoned out on working on those bows. Man do I get zoned out when I have a nice piece of bow wood in hand!

Danna, don't worry about the razing of the soap stuff. I now know what you do for a living! Got soap? Lots of it???!!!!???

Bear, thanks for taking me into town to pick up stuff and giving me a place to put my bags. Had fun talkin with you and the Ohio guys. Don't know why ya' all got such a bad rep in Tenn.

Pappy those are great looking pups! Hows the proud mama doing? Sadie looked real curious about what was going on there too! Tell Bo(spelling?) to look me up if he gets out further west than Wyoming.
Looks like I may have a couple staves of nice Yew wood on the way! A friend was down in OR who knows where all the primo stands are and is bringing me by a few. Joe is a great guy and I hope to get him out to Tenn. next year to build a bow with all of you. May even have few others tagging along by that time! Hmmm, most of these guys are of scandinavian descent, Dutch, Swede and Finn. mixed in with a few others. You up for an invasion of Vikings?!?!

Marie, thanks again for the beautifull shirt! I really like it allot and enjoyed talking with you. Just wish I was more awake and a better able to converse with you. Next year!

You made a great bow too!
Ron, many thanks to you and your family for getting me to and from the classic and putting me up at your place for the last night!
I am looking forward to seeing you all again for the 12th Annual Tenn. Classic!

What a great time the 11th was. Hard to believe its all over!
David T