A little over 20 years Chief, usually takes about 10 years or so to fill, it get harder when you need a particular one.

I have been blessed to win the first 2, this will be the third time we have done it. We put a plaque with you name on it when you fill one of the slots so it keeps a history of all the deer taken by Twin Oaks members over the years, fun to look back on, when you win yo get the board, you can take it with you but I elected to leave them hanging at the club. Most of us just deer hunt and are not trophy hunters so that also make it easier if you don't mind killing smaller bucks, which I don't.

Headed down this morning for a few days, got Dave[Otis] coming in to Turkey hunt for a few days so I am going down to hang out with him, may hunt some but really don't get into Turkey much so will probably just hang out and maybe get a few things done around the club and shop. Yall have a good one.
