Friday again,it seem to come faster every year ,so I better enjoy.

Got more big plans this weekend,Greg,A and I have about 18 more Hickory stave's to straighten and reflex and about
10 more kids stave's to floor tiller along with all the other things going on ,trying to get ready for the Classic,seem like everything revolves around that right now.We have a meeting,club shoot and working hopefully after this weekend we will be getting close to being ready.Would
love to do a little Turkey hunting but don't think there will be time.Got some backstrap and fresh
turkey breast in marinate as we speak so supper tonight should be eatable,Knothead is coming down this evening so I am pretty sure we will have an adult beverage and seat around the fire,who
could ask for more than that.See yall Monday and let you know how it goes.Life is Good.

Hope yall have a good on also.
