God to hear from you Glenn and tell all my Yankee buddies I said ha. Good luck on the hunt and hope to see yall in December. Ed It was about like a good size buck it Tennessee, maybe 180 to 200 on the hoof and 150 or so field dressed. Not much different than a white tail, about 40 or 50 lbs of good clean meat once all bones and junk/sinew /fat cleaned up. It's Friday and headed to the cabin, I plan on doing some scouting and see where the white oaks/*persimmons are dropping and put up a few more stands. I got behind because of the trip and ant as ready as I usually am, but it was well worth it.

I also need to put some structure in my newly built pond I had planned on doing that before it got water in it but the Good Lord had other ideas and sent rain the last 5 days, The Rye and wheat are up and looking good on the banks but it will be muddy putting in the structure in the bottom where I want it, we will see how that goes, may have to wait and use a small boat to get it in.

Already got 4 or 5 feet of water in it but the sun is supposed to shine the next few days and a little cooler so maybe I can get it done without to much of a mess. Hope yall have a good one also.
Life is Good.
