Friday and headed to the cabin in a little bit, got most of the bush hogging done yesterday so I plan on finishing gathering my stuff up for Our trip , We leave this coming Wed. so I need to get everything together. Also some shooting before I pack up my bows and arrows. Other tan that just a laid back weekend I hope. The pond should be finished today and will need the banks sewed , can't do that until I return

Also had a big Anvil gifted to me by a first cousin , it belonged to my Great Grand Pap Poole, He got it from my Uncle Ed's shop when he passed, he was my moms next to oldest brother and WW2 veteran, not sure on the weight but I know I will need help to load it. He said he had no use for it and wanted to keep it in the family , and he couldn't think of a better place for it to be than in my shop, Made me feel good knowing that he knew I would always keep it and cherish it, and also use it

Hope y'all have a good one also.

Life is Good.
