Can't wait Bear, when y'all coming in ?? Great day yesterday, cold and windy so I spent some time in the cabin Cleaning and straighten up a bit. Didn't know how may knives I had, still don't , but it is a bunch for sure. Also made some good scores, had a large Mink a buddy gifted me/ a large Green colored Boa that belonged to a friend we go to church with die, they use to raise them and aren't going to do it anymore so I told her as they die off I would love to have them,they have over 100, she came through yesterday, a beautiful 6 foot awesome green colored. Also on the way home found a beaver road kill and got a nice large tail. Bill just happened to have the right tools in his truck to cut it off for me, thanks Bill.

Good day, now I have some skinning to do. Funny I didn't know we had any Mink or beaver around home, guess I was wrong.
