You bet Guy, think of you often. Hope our paths pass again soon.

Chuck it works fine, as someone said a little smaller might do some better, I only used it to start the hide then fist it off if I plan on tanning it, but for normal skinning where you would use a knife all the way down it should do fine. Well it's Friday and beginning to seem like every other day

except I head to the Cabin to stay for a day or 2 and that is where I am headed in a few minutes.

I plan on hunting this morning, no hunting Tomorrow or Sunday, it is our youth hunt weekend in Tennessee. I only have 1 coming but it should still be fun. I have plenty to keep me busy while he and his dad our out hunting. I need to skin another deer and cut and wrap the one I have boned in the cooler. I also started another bow from Elm I need to get floor tillered and on the form and the hide I have racked should be ready to get the hair off.

Should be a fun weekend. Hope yall have a good one also. Life is Good.
