Ha Ha.

We had a great weekend,it wasn't like home but we got by,Grant said I was spoiled
and I guess I am.The Banquet went good and had more intrest in the bow building stuff than
anything else,guess you could say we stoled the show.They would have to come over and ask if we would shut down for a while when they got ready to do the other things,no one would
leave.We had some P.A. stuff set up and ran out,people loved it and hope it was good for PA
as well as us.I think it was.Here are some pictures of the weekend.We also went to the
Ye Old Farts and lieares club shoot Sunday and once again GregB gave us a lesson in the proper
way to shoot a bow.It was fun.

The first picture is the fire I always start with,they said we couldn't have a fire so we went unprepaired.We finely got one and it was tough with no
Diesel fuel and wet wood but Big A got it done.

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