I will be there from the Friday [mid day] April 29 until the Monday after May 8th. Love to see ya Greg, you can stay in the cabin. It will be full closer to the weekend of the event but not early in the week. Well it's Friday and Got big plans for the weekend, hope to get the kitchen ready to start the plumbing/gas lines and moving back in. We have a short meeting and then a working tomorrow so if the whole crew shows up we should be able to get that done. Scott/Bill and myself have been cutting wood so plan on hauling some of that out of the woods today and I have a couple of projects going in the shop if I get the time.

I am putting the final touches on my Osage bow that I started months ago

and Miss Joanie wants a powder horn with the map of Tennessee on it like the other one I made, who could say no to her.

I got one coat of finish on the bow last evening and the map sketched on a nice white horn Bill gifted me so if I get time I am going to work on both, we will see.

Hope yall have a good one also, see ya Monday. Life is Good.
