Mostly just leash training and a few drags, for now, I plan on the real thing come the 24th. Almost Any dog can track, the key is the get them to figure what you want them to find, not just any deer or critter in the wood but the particular one you put them on, the very best way is to put them on only good tracks to start with that you know the deer is down. No one seems to want to take the time to go get the dog when they know a deer is down, but I do.

Most folks only want to call you or use a dog when they can't find the deer. After a few good tracks and a year or so on lots of tracks they can get very good at it, then long hard tracks become very easy if the deer is really down or going down. I have tracked truly hundred's over the years and once you get to know your dog and fully trust them, which takes a while their is nothing like it. I haven't had a tracking dog for 4 or 5 years and really looking forward to having one again.

It can turn into a lot of trouble when folks find out you have a good one [especially during muzzle load season] but lots of fun also.

A good dog will turn a 8 hour track into a few minutes.