I hear ya Bob, I talked to Gary Monday and said he couldn't get out of his drive, I told him he needed to buy a real truck.

and get out of that VW.

We use to have a hunt at LBL[Land between the lakes ] the week after Christmas and all my Yankee buddies came in, one year it came a big snow and all of the guys from MI./NY were in vans/cars and 2 wheel drive pick ups. The only 4 wheel drives there were us Southern boys,

go figure.

That sound like a plan DC.

Friday and ready to get out of here, got no major plans for the weekend except working on and just maybe finishing some of the projects I have going now, I do plan on trying to get my trade bow shooting and finishing up another hide. I put one more in the soak yesterday so it should be ready to pre smoke today and got the 2nd rum flask finished and ready to seal the outside. We will probably cut a little more wood but mostly just want to relax. Hope yall have a good one, supposed to be beautiful weather here so we should.

See ya Monday. Life is Good.
