I don't know Clint,

everyone told me how handy it would be and they were right. Work smart not hard I have always been told.

Got my Coon fleshed and washed yesterday before the storm and some brains laid out. I plan on trying a hair on brain tan. Jesse showed me how he does it a few years back but never tried a hair on so we will see how it goes, I also have a Beaver that has the hair on/fleshed and now just rawhide so I think I am going to do both at the same time,

the worst I can do is ruin them both.

Hope everyone is OK after the storms, we got hit hard with straight line winds in the 40/50 mph range and lots of heavy rain. I lost a little siding of the trim of my house but other than that all seems to be good. Haven't checked at the farm yet, hope all stood up to the weather OK down there. I guess I will find out this evening.
