Great cold snowy weekend, a little different than we are use to. We postponed The meeting and the ceremony for Ron until the 6th of Feb. because of the weather. It was a good weekend just the same. Worked in the shop but took one big step back on the Osage bow I have been working on[it blew] Yipes. O well as always just grab another piece and go at it again, it's not like it's the first I have blown up.

Beau and Christina came down to do some snow boarding, first time they have got to do that since they left WY. and had a ball. Here are some pictures of the fun.This was the start of it. Sally loves it. I got the last deer of the year[unless I find a road kill]

cut up and ready for Miss Joanie to package.

Turned out about 35 lbs of good clean steaks/roast/and stew meat plus the shoulders.
