Thanks Michael/Guy and JW, Yes we are supposed to get wiser with age, not sure that is happening with me. Miss Joanie stays on me all the time, she will say you "can't do that anymore", my response is " WHY NOT."

Still very much down in my back but it seems if I keep moving it's not so bad, Soooo I am headed to the cabin as soon as I get away from here and hope to get in some shop time. I got old Gimpy skinned / boned and in the ice water soak yesterday so I will have some meat to cut up Saturday. Not sure what else, maybe bow work or ax handles

We are still very much in the wood cutting mode so may help in some of that also, YA that should be good on my back.

I am off Monday [MLK day]

so looking forward to a long weekend to maybe do some body mending.

I know yall have probably heard this before but I will share it anyway, My motto to live by "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body...but rather to skid in broadside thoroughly used up, totally worn out, with bow in hand and loudly proclaim...WOW...What a ride !!! Hope yall have a good one. See ya Monday. Life is Good.
