Jep ,I hear yall, Miss Joanie just says, I could be doing a lot worse things and lets it go at that.

I also tried the staying around the house thing once, it didn't go so well.

She has her space and I have mine. Works for us.

Friday and I got lots planned for the weekend. I had a little procedure yesterday at the Doc.'s

so just getting to eat again and slept most of yesterday so I am playing catch up now. Nothing really pressing to do but I miss my daily routine .

I plan on trying to hunt a bit and still have the Osage to tiller along with a couple more splitting maul handles to make. I may not get to all of it but at least I have a plan.

Beau is off today and plans to hunt so if it goes like it has been going lately for him I will have deer to skin and cut up when I get to the cabin. He is luckier that a S#^(( house rat and always seems to be in the right place at the right time. Miss Joanie says he had a good teacher, I'm not so sure about that.

Hope yall have a good one , See ya Monday.

Life is Good.
