yes I have lots of freezers also Matt, 2 for nothing but Hides/wings/snakes/brains and any other dead critter I think I might be able to use at some point.

We didn't get a chance this year like we did last year to work up my Turkey wings so I have about 60 pain in one freezer and at least 15 to 20 deer hides in another, ya the electric company loves me also.

I will have to measure Matt but I think most are 6x6 and 1 7x7 for larger hides also have a small one about 3x3. Just lay out you biggest hide and measure it leaving about 10 or 12 inches around it for stretching and lacing, it really can't be to big, just takes more lacing. Be sure to brace them good on the corners because after the hide is stretched wet and then begins to dry it will pull hard on the frame.

Clint I know what you mean, I am out of ax heads so yesterday I was looking through my log splitting tools and found 3 old splitting mauls that need handles so that's my plan now is to make some for them.

I put tru oil on the Walnut and Osage handles yesterday and man do they look good also stained the Hickory with Walnut stain and sealed, it really brought out the grain in the Hickory and looks great also.
