Front end loaders, I love mine! I had it put on after I had my tractor for 5 years or so, I wish I had it from day one.
When I bought the loader I thought I would take it off when I didn't need it, it has never been off my tractor, it is that handy.
Yesterday I needed fire wood for a family reunion at a state park, and knew where a walnut had fallen down the hill from the house. Rough, steep land with lots of downed, rotten trees in the way. I headed toward the walnut across the hillside, cut the stuff I couldn't ride over with a chainsaw, I put my bucket down and pushed the dead logs out of the way and made a crude road to the walnut tree.
I loaded my bucket full of firewood and had to back out because turning around on the hillside wasn't possible. Three more trips in and out and I had all the firewood I needed.
Get some of these logging tongs and you can move some serious logs around.

You will use your bucket more than any other implement on your tractor, especially for firewood hauling.