1. Primitive (PRM)
a. Bow – no man made material can be used on bow except string material and glue. No performance enhancing material may back the bow (ie. Another wood, bamboo, rawhide or sinew). Only decorative materials such as snake skins may be used.
b. Arrow – must be wood, bamboo or cane.
A Primitive bow shot with fingers directly contacting the bowstring using a glove, finger tab, or bare fingers, Archers may use up to two (2) nock locating devices, but they must use the same nocking point and anchor point for each shot and the index finger must contact the string in the same place for each shot. The index finger must touch the nock of the arrow. Face and/or string walking are not permitted. No sighting device of any kind may be used. There shall be no markings on the bow or bowstring (intentional or accidental) that could be construed as sighting marks. No type of draw check or clicker may be used. Arrows shall be made of wood, bamboo or cane and shall be identical in length, weight, and color (allowances shall be made for normal wear). Arrows shall be shot off the hand or shelf of the riser. No soft materials that will assist or affect the paradox of the arrow may be used to build up the shelf or strike plate of the riser. Archers may use a hard material on the shelf or on the side of the riser under a hair or leather strip that does not exceed 1/8” thickness. The shelf may not be built up in a manner that will give the archer an advantage in terms of feather or vane clearance. The intent is that the shelf meets the side of the riser (strike plate) so the built-up shelf may not be a pyramid that provides clearance and separation from the bow riser. PRM archers will shoot from the White stake.
A Primitive Bow shot in PRM shall conform to the following specifications:
1. The bowstring, when the bow is strung, may only contact the nocks of the bow
Nothing mentioned about tip weight. The rest is a lot of words but pretty much cut and dried the way most of us self bows folks shoot them anyway.
