Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed. I got the brass sleeve on Bear's take down yesterday and the 2nd limb laid out, it looked like very clean wood but as it has turned out it is quite the challenge. I think I have it figured out now and should work fine. I got home to a package from WY.

I had mentioned to Joe that I had bought a bunch of tickets at the Classic raffle to try and win one of his gun slings, He does some beautiful work and I thought one of his slings would go prefect with my little project. I had an old 30.6 refurbished for my son Beau that belonged to Reeks my uncle that left me the farm [ Thanks Grant] and wanted a nice sling for it, well that is all it took.

I am blessed to hang with the best folks in the world.

Thanks Joe, I know he will love it and can't wait for him to see it. :)WOW is about all I can say.