Meant you also Patrick,

I love having some free time to just visit, usually by Thursday or Friday free time is hard for me to come by. Got nothing specific right now Pat ,but you just never know around there.

Got the rest of my staves laid out yesterday and also started on the shop clean up, it was raining so a good day for that.

Hopefully it didn't rain enough to mess up the concrete pouring today for the 2nd new bridge.

We really want it up and going before the Classic,

but time is running short. I plan on cutting some ERC today for the entrance gate that got torn up last year ,we patched it back but now want a full repair and widen the entrance a bit. Also cutting a tall at least 30 foot ERC for a new flag pole. I won't be there long Saturday.

Miss Joanie and I have a date to see Bob Segar in Nashville, been years since we have been to a concert, I think the last was the Bee gees in the early 70's

looking forward to this one.

Hope y'all have a good one also see ya Monday.
Life is good.
