Friday ,off 3 days,opening weekend of Deer season,this is hard to beat. :)37 opening days for me this year

Headed to the cabin as soon as I can get away, :)got a few little details to get finished up and then some shooting and tradition of sharpping broad heads. Got some deer roast laid out and Jimmy gave me some fresh backstrap yesterday,been home 48 hours from a 9 month deployment and already got deer in the freezer,I told you that boy love to hunt,

[Hickory selfbow]and is pretty good at it also. I might add he has a very understanding wife.

Got the snake skins on Kevin's bow day before yesterday and started sealing it yesterday,hope to get it sealed up and headed home next week,I got one caost of sealer on my Mullberry bow,hope to finish it up in the next few day and try and get it blooded this season. Hope yall have a good weekend,mine is shapping up so far to be a pretty good one.

Life is Good.
