Thanks guys I will pass it along, Pat B 37 is way better than most this day in age.

Congrats on that.

Started on a Yew bow yesterday evening,got it debarked/laid out/cut out and some what floor tillered,almost ready for some form work. It is
64 t-t 1 1/2 at the fad to mid limb then tapered to 1/2 at the tips for now 4 inch handle 1 1/2 fads , the sap wood is 3/16
even and not violated at all from end to end. shooting for 50 @ 26 and that shouldn't be a problem. This is the cleanest/straightest/tightest growth ringed Yew I have ever seen. I got 2 stave's in a trade with Chuck when he first came to Tennessee and kind of feel bad about it,

well not really

but one thing for sure in my mind I came out on the way better end of that deal. He wanted all the different woods in TN. that would make a bow and I hooked him up with most,he's happy and I'm happy so I guess that is all that matters.

Hope I don't make a mess out of this piece cause it is a very special piece of Yew for sure. The cool thing is the 2nd stave looks just as good if not better.
