Thanks Crogacth,glad you enjoy and maybe we will meet someday.

Cracker we have really missed you being around and everyone missed and ask about you at the Classic,just wasn't the same without you. Hope things are going good.

FRIDAY and headed to the cabin as soon as I can get away.

:)Got the skins on my Osage yesterday,plan on trimming them up today,then a new string and some silencers and it should be ready to shoot some more and finish her up.

Ant quite decided but this might be a gift

if it works out as nice as I think it is going to.

Plan on some cabin cleaning/servicing one of my trailers to get ready for the trip up North and maybe a litte bushhogging,the weather is supposed to be hot and clear but low humidity so should be a nice weekend. Hope yall have a good one. See ya Monday. Life is Good.
