Sure am looking forward to tomorrow. I finished up all the painting for the wife inside the house for this month and so it's time to spend some time with friends at Twin Oaks!
I got some marching orders to work on tomorrow but it's going to be fun none the less. Lots of work still to be done to prep for folks coming to visit.
We'll get it done, seems like we always find a way to make it happen for the folks who come to visit at the Classic.

I sure am grateful for all the guys who lend a hand with the Selfbow Challenge each year. Trust me when I say it's grown each year. We average about 5-8 more each year over the past 5 years, and last year we had 79 register so that may mean we'll bump 90 this year. You folks who pitch in are so very important to this success.
I plan this year to pass out to each person registered for the Challenge a ticket that puts them in a drawing for a prize if they come to me after they complete their bow with the info on the bow they finished. Weight/draw length/ total length/ and wood type will be recorded by me. Pappy said to me once a while back it sure would be good to have this kind of info, so I'm going to try this this year. Not sure about the prizes yet, most likely it will be something made by a member or something donated for this. I'll come up with something nice. If someone has an idea let me know what would work for prizes. The important thing is to gather the info for the bows built. One ticket per person registered, when they see me when they finish their bow they get a ticket. I'll give out as many prizes as I can rustle up. I'll have posted the time for the drawing in the Bow Shop area the location will be the Bow Shop.
Once again let me thank all the people who pitch in and help us make this part of the Classic so successful.