I'll need your help Pappy putting up a stand on George's place this weekend.

I need to move a ladder stand Woody let me borrow.
I seem to have lost my dang climbing stand. Either I left it on the porch here at the house and it was needed by someone else without permission or someone liked it in my garage more then me. It's a Summit Viper and I can't find it any place here at the house. I'm gonna be sucking this season without it.

I may end up having to learn to hunt from the ground. And the Whitetail Classic is just around the bend! My team was gonna win this year and I may have put that at risk!

Oh well, at least I get to go to Twin Oaks and see the deer weighed in.

See ya tomorrow Pappy. I talked to John Thomas and he's all hot to trot about shooting and arrows and stuff again. Man I missed him not coming around. He said he'd be there early tomorrow morning so I'll see him around 8 am. Not sure what I'll do this weekend. Maybe work on the Yew! Yeah that's the ticket!
I picked up some more arrows today. Half a dozen 1916 Easton's for the Black Widow. Ripped off the plastic vanes and put on Turkey feathers I grinded when I done Pappy's. They look sweet. Try not to drool on my arrows Pappy.
Pappy is short arrows again and it's almost hunting season.

Must have happened when he missed all the targets on the 20 target "C" Range for the Whitetail Classic. (Oh crap wait. He spanked me on the course. He shot a 162 and I shot a 160. I have to admit, he shot his Selfbow and I shot my Widow Longbow with aluminum arrows.)
Well tomorrow I'll build the fire and smile and miss my friends who are not there. I can't wait to see them in a few months as they filter in from far away.