The chili eating works by him eating the chili, the digestive juices, producing lots of gas, due to the mixture of acid to digest the protein, and a base to digest the starch. Acid and a base produces gas, like vinegar & baking soda. Eat a steak and potato and you feel bloated afterward, eat a steak, and a salad, and you won't. So when he eats the BIG bowl of chili, the resulting prolonged gas venting, especially, if he has added lots of onions to the mixture, will cause an acute reaction, in the Mommy to be, and especially while semi asleep, the sheets, with pre - deposited gas supplies, under them, are suddenly pulled up over her head,

will cause immediate contractions, such as the right arm contracting for a full facial contact, at warp factor five.

(or sometimes it causes the inhaler, to emulate a large Bob cat, that has just been grabbed by the stubby tail!) Then the uterine contractions will begin, thus stopping a follow up contraction of the left arm, and fist.

I hope that this has sufficiently explained the theory of the chili birth inducement method.
