Thanks Jake,I will keep doing it as long as folks want to look,not to much trouble,
kind of fun sharing or adventures.

Steve we got 80 new McKenzie's,we try to replace targets/mids and such every year,worst of the best goes to the practice range for a year or so. We have done this for 20 years and if you will stay on top of it,it's not that hard to keep good targets, key is to stay on top of it. Lots of clubs I attend tend to spend their money on everything but targets,we take care of targets first.

Steve ,Wished you could make it back for the IBO Trad.World, You would enjoy that.Got at least 10 I know of coming from CA.

Got folks coming from all over the world,it's going to be pretty cool,now we just need to pull it off again.

We will be at the Club every weekend from now through the shoot working,most of the guys are fully committed to making all our events the best they can be and everyone leaving with a smile,special bunch I run with that's for sure.
