Another great year,thanks to all that came and made it a big sucess for us.Hope all had a good time and I think most all did,very few complants for so many people,that says a lot about the folks that make up this gathering. Lots of shooters [464] and lot of folks there for the fun and to see what it is all about,just waht we want,pass it on.

50+ bows built and lots of rock busted along with black smithing,good food and friends,hard to beat that.

I finely got some picture ready so I will post a few a day,got a lot of catching up to do here at work

so in my spare time

:)I will get them posted,thanks again for all the help,[donations and man power] you folks really came through,I can always count on that it seems.

The first few are folks ariving and getting ready for the event.We had a lot come in for the week.
