Cool maybe we can fit in a little time on the range,I need to get some shooting in
before the Classic ,in case I get to shoot.

Miss/Dave the pups are looking great,should be eating solid food next week,giving Hanna's away today and over the weekend,still got 2 left from her[yellow,cholcolate] and all the Curs are spoken for.Eddie Looking forward to meeting Chris,the cabin will be pretty full at least through Sunday. 6 anyway,it only sleeps 7 so things will be a little tight for a few days. Good looking Cain,that ought to be enough to last a while.

We plan on putting the tin on the archery/registration shop Saturday if Chris and Dave will go on and kill their Turkey early and get back to the Club.

we got to get that done before the Classic and spring rains,yall all know how they are.

Looking forward to a few day away.
