Had a great extended weekend,Lot of friends and Family and a lot of good eating/shooting/Hunting/hide and bow work. I got 2 more hides racked and
my Elk well on it way of getting done,it seemed a little hard so we put it back in the brains for another round,that should do it. Beau killed a nice 138lb buck,it only had 5 points 4 on one side and 1 on the other.

nice buck just the same, He made a good shot but it was still quite a challenge to track ,not much blood.We stayed at it and it turned out fine. GregB also killed another deer,4 point. Several more brought in over the weekend,killed with the smoke pole. Here are some pictures of the fun. I also got 5 coats of true oil on my winged elm,it is ready for a couple of coats of satin Polly and then to the woods,good shooter.
