I agree with Pat,it is way cool when we all get together,it's like a big family reunion. It is really strange how that is when some you have only meet here
and when you meet them face to face it's like you have known them all your
life. bowtarist you would be welcome anytime,I am there most weekends Friday till Sunday morning,the rest of Sunday is reserved for Miss Joanie.

It's Friday and headed that way pretty quick,Jon is on his way and Art is coming to Hunt this evening,Gun opens in the morning ,plus we have a club meeting at noon.
It will be the last before Christmas[I think]

It will be good to see all the guys.I always swear I am staying in bed with my head covered opening of gun,it usually sounds like a young war about 7 am but I am sure I won't,I will be out there with my bow just like always.

No gun hunting on my place so the shots won't be to close.

Hope yall have a good one,Stories and pictures Monday,I hope.

Life is Good.
