Yes he was Pat,a real refreshing young man to be around. Eddie I am with you,I talked to him but never really meet him,hope to see him again. Got home yesterday to a package, Now that is a knife,I will have pictures Monday.Thanks Charlie

I have a little package for you ,It will be headed your way in a few days,as soon as I get back to town.

Well it's Friday again and got lots of plans,Dave is comming down from IN. to do some Turkey hunting and I may just tag along.Got to pull my deer stands and have started on My Winged Elm bow,got the nocks cut yesterday and ready for long string tillering.I would love to get it braced this weekend. We also have some things to do around the club,it goes straight from the Classic to the IBO world,then we get a break.

Can't wait for that.

Hope yall have a good one.See ya Monday. Life is good.
