ive just spent the last hour catching up on this thread
man i cant wait to get there next week

been there once,a year ago february
all i can say is , for folks with the interests that we all have this is NIRVANA
i cant wait for tuesday morning 4 a.m.
that when the wife and i are hitting the road
we should arrive sometime tuesday evening around 7 p.m. hopefully
gonna spend this weekend finishin up a project
sorting and packing all our camping gear and such things
i think the wife is almost as excited as i am to come on down
900 + miles one way,15 hours no problem

but i will say this up front
dont think i dont like spending time with ya'll if i just up and disappear from time to time
i dont do crowds well, or for long periods of time
i can handle small numers of folks much better
but in a crowd situation i need to go and clear my head from time to time

woooo hooo come on tuesday