Pappy, it is quite alright, it did pick my curiosity though, I thought now why is he giving me feathers, and I knew you must've meant stringstretcher. Stingstretcher, no problem, I have feathers in the freezer, that I haven't touched in awhile. I am busy at the moment with some pipestone. Pappy, I am the same, I can't keep the names, and handles straight either,just ask Jamie, and Shannon.

Heck, if weren't for the picture on my Drivers License, I probably wouldn't know who I am.

Anywho, it sounds like you are busier than a one legged man trying to stomp out a brush fire, so it is quite understandable.

Depending on my rectal exam from the IRS, I might have something to send up with Eddie, and Cathy, though.

Maybe. I will have to see if I can still order it. Anywho, get back to scraping bow stave's.
