Looks like a great time there, and the food.....oooohhh, that looked good!

But after seeing that fire pit, I can see why, you go through so much wood.

Are you trying to thaw out the surrounding area also? That looked like a heap of wood on there.

Be good for roasting some corn and taters in the coals, and maybe a big ol sweet onion, or as recurve would say......"Oin-Yon" with the center hollowed out, and filled with hamburger, and garlic, and salt and pepper, and a little shredded cheese, wrapped in tinfoil......dang, I gotta go fix lunch now!

You have to stop putting the pictures of the food on here, I am trying to cut back in my eating.

But I guess you are trying to keep in the habit for when Eddie, and Cathy come up. It doesn't take much cold to make him bundle up.
