My wife and I have raised three of our five children to adulthood. The younger two are children we fostered as Fostered Parents. The good Lord allowed us to adopt them and I don't know what our lives would be like without them. As with all marriages we had our rough times. Every marriage has them. I told my son just last night, while we talked about him going to Nashville today to reenlist as a Sergeant in the Army, that wedding vows are about the tough times, not the easy one's. Just like all of you I'm grateful more then words can say that that my marriage is strong and wonderful after twenty-eight years.
Life is good and it has it’s happy moments and it’s sad one’s. Every moment spent at Twin Oaks with friends is a moment I cherish.
We had a young girl and her brother whom we became Foster Parents to a year ago. They returned Home a few weeks ago. I’m a Retired Infantry Paratrooper but that sweet little girl made this Bow Hunter cry like a baby when I returned her to her mother. On the one hand I’m glad I had a chance to love her, on the other I’m sad I had to see her go. Life’s like that you know.
I’ve come to learn you can’t have happy without a little sad thrown in from time to time.
Yes indeed Life is Good, and I’m grateful to share it with good folks.
Here’s a picture of that little darlin. Ask Pappy he seen her in his Cabin sucking on her second ever lolly-pop. The bottom picture is of the my two younger one's, the wife, and the precious little girl.