Hope you can make it someday Russ,Tiller I am sure you ant told her everything.

David ,hope all goes well,let me know how things are going next weekend. Well it's Friday again and you know where I am headed in a little while, I am having some kids down for the youth hunt this weekend,that's always fun.I wished I could hunt,it is that time of the year,went yesterday see 8 doe and had bucks running does in the woods behind me all evening.Should be
good for the kids. I plan on working on some hides this weekend and maybe clean out the freezer and skin some snakes that have been given to me over the year from KY. and TX.

Other than that I am going to put up a couple more stands to get ready for the next couple of weeks.I will head to some spots that the kids and guns won't be.

Hope yall have a good one also.See ya Mondaywith pictures for sure.Life is good.
