Well if he would stay off of this computer, till he got the soap cut up, then he could be finished, and be able to come on down.
Hey, der El D, I wuz tinkin, if'n Dana comes down to the classic, who's gonna be der guardin da bridge crossin?

Ya know a lotta Trolls could pass on over der, and fish out his favorite spot ya know!

Not ta mention da dent dey could make in da pasties, and brat supply too ya know!

So I wuz tinking, meybe he could like leave sum o his work clothes around a dummy, at the bridge, wit a warnin sign, dat dey should turn around, less'n dey want ta be dunked in the greetin tank, where he works..... ya know sortta like a mild warnin dat dey might not fit in wit the Yooper set hey?

Oh and hey der, I mean use a real dummy, like one o dem manikins, not just one o da guys he works wit or anyting ya know.

Oh hey ya know, I mus be one o dem genus guys, on account o how I jes got anutter idea, dat he wouldn't have ta use a real dummy, he could snag one o dem trolls trying to cross over, and tell him he is wit da city, and dey have a very good job, dat pays well, and all dey gotta do is sit there at the entrance to da Yooper side, and tell the utter Trolls, dat side o da bridge is unsafe, and dat it is closed.

Oh, and hey, da best part is dat dey don't actually have to pay da guy,

.....well meybe at first, just ta get da work clothes on em.

Ya ya know I tink dat jes might work!

Except I tink dat if da guy is still der when Dana gets back, he might not let him back inta da Yooper side, on account he ain't got paid yet, oh, hey, der, I tink Dana could jes say da "check is in da mail !"

Yeah, dat should do it.
