Hope you had a good day Dana sounds like you should have.

Well it's Friday and I am so ready to get out of here.

Got a big weekend planed,first Bear is coming

down and we are having our first shoot of the year Saturday and Sunday.We have about everything done except tweeking a few targets and I have to do a little drive way work. I am in the concession stand all weekend so I can be free for the Classic,always like to do my share and at the Classic It's hard for me to be tied to one place I do hope to get a little bow work done this evening,maybe some skins on my new backwards Osage.I want to seal my yew bow but found out I was out of Tru oil, Had 3 bottles but things
like that seem to disappear around there.

Hope yall have a good one also.Pictures Monday.
Life is good.
