Had a great weekend,King Ron and I was very impressed with our bunch this weekend,most stayed all day Sat. and got a lot of stuff done,all the ranges are up for our up coming shoot this weekend and BigA took it on his self to set up the practice range,he done a fine job.Shanon showed up Sat. morning and I think he had a good time.Don't know how much that he wanted to work on that he got done but looked like he stayed busy.We also made time to cut/split and seal some winged elm.
He said I had a bunch on my place,he also helped split some of our Hickory for the Classic.Here are some pictures of the weekend.

Hope yall had a good one also.

Also here are the bows Half eye sent for me to give away to folks that needed a bow,fine shooting and looking bunch.I found a how for one already and she was very happy and shot it good right off the bat. Also the 2 backward bow Gary Davis and I are going to tiller Tuesday.notice the bark on the inside of the handle,that is the belly side.

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