Well Pappy, I am glad that Hannah loves the snow, and such. Man I think I would have to put her in the house, if she lay down in the creek, and then rolled in the snow. I would not be able to stop shivering from watching her.

Must've picked up something from Dana M......

But poor ol Sadie......she needs a vest....

I hope she gets to snuggle up to Hannah, a lot this year. Good looking dogs.

Seem very happy, and well taken care of.

Do you do any ice fishing up there? I plan to do a lot of it, when I move to Montana. My Buddy, does, and he is always catching big northern pike, and perch and such. Do you have the "Chaga" up there? Jamie said he is going to send me some. Well take care, and count your toes, and fatten up poor ol Sadie, so she can have the doggy bed all to herself......
