No it's not cut yet. But it's Friday and I don't care

I am headed to the cabin as soon as I can get away.Don't have big plans except for finishing up the memorial bow and hunt, Well I may do a little seating around the fire and have a couple of adult beverages ,other than that just relax.

The hunting has been slow ,I saw one doe yesterday and a bunch of Turkeys,I thought the Turkey
was going to get close enough for me to miss another one

but about 30 yards he moved on the other way.Chad is coming in Sat. evening and then the folks from Germany are going to be here Sunday evening and staying till late week.I need to do a little scouting to see if I can find something hot for them.I don't want there first taste of hunting to be a bore.

Hope yall have a good one also .See ya Monday. Life is good.
