Well it's Friday, Got a big weekend planed,we are having our17th Deer Classic this Sat. and also the Baggett/TwinOaks Bash Sat. night. Big Pot luck to end the Club season and get fired up for
deer season.Lots of Food,shooting and tall tails around the camp fire. Usually a little picking and grinning to boot.It's always fun to get the whole family's down and spend some time together.
I got 2 more stands up yesterday and looked at all of my food plots,Ran 25 Turkey out of one of them by the cabin,Probably won't be much left in it ,if I don't keep them out.

Plan on shooting
the course this evening or first thing in the morning and then have about 5 ladder stand to check and tighten,I think that's about it.The white oaks are scattered this year, but did find a couple more full yesterday so Need to keep an eye on that,may warrant another stand or 2

.Just have to see.
Hope yall have a good one also. Life is good.
