Had a great weekend,hot and very few hogs but all the fun and fellowship was well worth the drive.
I did get one opportunity Friday evening but guess the shot was a little high,looked good to me but
I have been snake bit when it comes to hogs.We tracked it a couple of hundred yards and then it got so thick even Mullet couldn't get through

[,Man I just though Tennessee had thickets] I never seen anything like that.We ate good and a one of Chris's buddies killed a couple of hogs the other 4 took a big goose egg.I did get to eat Gator and bob cat.Don't think I would god out hunting cat for for food but it would do in a pinch.

I also got to see bob cat,turkeys and deer
just not many hogs.Guess they were smarter than us,they were laid up in a cool place somewhere.
Hope yall had a good one also.By the way Tim's place called the Alexacarri Plantation is a beautiful place to go and the accommodations are great,nicer than being at home.Thans to Tim for having me down and Eddie and Chris for the invite,got to do it again just maybe when it ant so hot.

Here are a few pictures of the weekend.Life is good.
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