You are welcome Eddie,now you know the rules maybe you can do much better next time.

I am headed back to the Cabin this evening to finish tearing down the range and get the tents down,kind of sad it is over,it went so fast.I have a lot to do just getting stuff back where it belongs.
I may try the Turkeys one more time,this is the last weekend.I also need to get packed for my trip up North.Miss Joanie and me are flying out next Friday to Wyoming to visit Beau,we will be back Thursday evening late so I have to have my car packed and ready to head straight out for Ryan's shoot in PA. so after this weekend I won't be back at the cabin for 2 weeks.

I also plan on working on the glue up James was so kind to give me after his glue up class,I ant sure what to do with it but I am going to give it a try,never worked on one of them,JohnT has done a lot so he is coming down to help and guide me along.I hope to have a bunch down to get things back in order,but yall knows how that goes,we usually do it all right after the shoot but it was so wet and muddy so we decided to do it this Sat.Sometimes they tend to forget.I think Jon is coming down also to work on some bows and help out and I am trying to talk him into making the trip to PA with me,since GregB woos ed out.

Got some Moose steak laid out and plenty of supplies to make up a good meal tonight.Hope yall have a good one also. Life is good.
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