Had a great weekend,got the inside archery shop cleaned and all straightened out,I found stuff I didn't even know I had.Man it was like Christmas.Greg and I got the Outside shop cleaned and everything back in it's place also.That took most of the day Sat.We also got the practice range set and 3 1/2 loads of wood cut and stacked.Getting ready for the Classic,we are getting there.Grant and KingRon are remolding the kitchen,it is looking good and hope to finish up this coming weekend.
We are putting hot water to the outside for our showers,so now yall won't have to walk around stinking.

I got a special give that was sent to me from RangerB[Jimmy] Mrs Joanie got it framed and it will be posted at the club.Thanks a bunch Jimmy.We love our Soldiers.

Here are a few pictures,didn't have time to take many,to busy.Hope yall had a good one also.
Life is good. One of the first ones is a road kill,hit right in the head,should make a cool quiver and the next one is for you guy that wondered how I get Mrs Joanie to act like I want her to,Shock collar.

Just kidding Girls.

Also the inside shop after 3 hours of cleaning,still got to much
stuff,if that is possible.

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