Friday finely.I am off next week .I will be at the cabin from this evening till next Sunday doing a little hunting and who knows what else we will get into.

Got some friends coming down so it should
be a blast. Jesse is still in town but has to fly out Sat. morning early.I spent some time with him last night and let him stay at the cabin and I think he plans on hunting this morning,hope he dose some good. He decided the last nigh to set by the fire and ask if I wanted to see him build one with his bow drill,instead the way I usually do it.Lighter and Diesel fuel.

Man it took him about 30 seconds and it was going,five minutes and had a roster.I got to learn to do that when he gets back.I am
pretty sure GregB ,BigA,CastIron,Dave from IN. and got a message Sawfiler may make it down,Man
what a party.This is usually the very best time of the year around here if the weather is close to right.I think it is supposed to be in the 70s/40s wished it was a little cooler but it could be worse.
Hope yall have a good one and hope to have some good pictures in a week or so.Life is good.
