Thank goodness it's Friday.It has been a long week.Can't wait to get to the cabin and relax
and do a little Hunting.I got all my honey do's done this week and ready for some time off.
Cut up meat most of the week and then last night we were invited to a hunters ed. class.Can't miss a chance to talk to the kids and show them there are other ways to hunt.It went well and the kids showed a lot of intrest.They didn't know you could hunt with stuff like that

Don't have much special planed for the weekend But King Ron and Castiron is coming down so I know it will
be fun and I am sure we will eat good.Maybe even kill something.It is suppose to be hot
I plan to hunt the mornings and play the evenings by ear.Hope yall have a good one.See ya
Monday.Life is good.Here are some pictures of the week.

The first is a good friends deer
it was killed with wheels so no picture of the bow.The 2nd is the back strap sinew I saved this week.The 3rd is Grant cutting up deer meat for the club freezer.The 4th is Miss Joanie's stash I fixed up for home and our set up at the Hunters ED. class.
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