Had a great ,but short weekend at the cabin.I had a family reunion Sat. evening so I left early.Got
a lot done tho.Greg , jesse and Big A came down Sat along with a few friends so we had a big time.
I got My IW bow finished and will have so pictures in a week or so.I am leaving Wend. morning for ELMHall MI. for a shoot so this will be a short week,still got to pack.I also finished 8 Cain arrows.Got
field tips on some and trade points on the others,they should make meat in a month or 2.Made a new string for my IW and plan on giving it a work out at the Elm Hall shoot.Not much cooking but I ate well at the reunion,yall know how them or.

I also laid out and reflexed a 44 inch Persimmon limb bow.It is about ready to brace .It should be cool if I ever get around to finishing it.Still got to bushhog.When my buddies showed up the farm work stops,I got to get over that.

:)Here are some pictures of the weekend. Life is Good.

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