David our camp/club is on my farm,you would be welcome to come visit anytime,we are there
most every weekend if we aren't off to a shoot or something like that.

Tiller Jesse had a
little to much Crown,there is always one and this year he was the one.

We plane
on doing a pre.1850 gathering,it should be fun.Last year there were a bunch of nappers,
blacksmiths,old wheat thrashers and guys with man powered wood working tool,like
drills and wood lathes.Pretty cool stuff of course we do a little bow and arrow building.
We also set up a little range for folks to try there hand in shooting.I think Jesse is
going this year to do some napping in our camp.We also plan on carring some castiron
and cook up some stuff for supper.Should be fun,I would rather be at the farm but
I guess it will just have to do.
